

Elizabeth’s world includes many icons, books, paints, skeins of yarn, fabric for quilts, and boxes and shelves of journals.  She is married to her best friend, a computer scientist, writer and Orthodoxy subdeacon.  Elizabeth has an Honours BA in English Lit and a Masters of Library and Information Science.  She worked as a librarian in various private libraries in Ottawa, Ontario Canada before moving to a New Jersey bedroom community of NYC.  Elizabeth’s life revolves around these things: home (culinary, knitting, quilting pursuits), reading and writing, her godkids, 16 nieces and nephews and serving with her husband at their Church (Sunday School, Bookstore and Library).  Orthodox for over 12 years, Elizabeth has blogged for over 10 years at and is happy to be writing amidst others who love Christian dialogue.  

Elizabeth was born into a Christian family with a long history of faithfulness to God and His Word through the lens of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) Tradition and Dutch Protestant Christian culture, having a unified world of CRC family, Church and School.  To this day, she thanks God for such a wonderful Christian upbringing.  In her late teens, at Calvin College, she was introduced to the Episcopal Church, the American Anglican Prayer Book and the Eucharist (as taught in a Christology course using a Catholic Seminarian Textbook).  After some years of going between CRC, Evangelical and Episcopal/Anglican Churches in Canada, she attended only Conservative Anglican Churches, until one day when a friend took her to an Orthodox Church in Lent of 2003.  By Summer’s end, she went again to this Orthodox Church; before the end of the next year’s Summer, she was welcomed into the Orthodox Church by chrismation on August 8, 2004.  Being Orthodox now for just over 12 years, she rejoices in both the Orthodox Church and also Christian upbringing and spiritual journey that brought her to this place.  

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